The benefits of GPS tracking are invaluable in any field service business. Field employee management can be painful without a GPS tracker. You must ensure that your drivers follow the assigned routes and avoid getting lost.

A commercial GPS tracker gives you unprecedented access and control to your field service or delivery operations. GPS tracking software can also reduce operational expenses and improve productivity and customer satisfaction.

But that’s not all.

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#1 Help Keep an Eye on Your Field Employees

Vehicle asset tracking is one of the primary benefits of the GPS vehicle tracking system. Are your employees sticking to the schedule to meet your clients? Are they taking long personal breaks? Are they running personal errands while they’re supposed to be working? Since you can’t see them, you can’t possibly know.

GPS fleet management system can help here. An asset tracker helps you find out where your field reps or delivery drivers are in real time. So, no matter where you are or what time of day it is, you can check up on your employees to ensure they’re doing what they’re supposed to.

#2 Make Sure Your Employees Do Not Get Lost

When your employees get lost, they’ll run behind schedule and will not be able to arrive at their appointments on time. This won’t do well for your business’s reputation. Trusted route optimization software with a built-in fleet tracking system will help your employees figure out how to get from point A to point B without getting lost.

More importantly, the routes produced by the route planner are always fully optimized. And they’re always the shortest and most efficient routes possible. The probability of lost team members is reduced because they have an exact route with correct addresses.

#3 Improve Driver Safety – Another Biggest Benefit of GPS Tracking

GPS tracking app protects your field employees from physical harm. Besides showing you where they currently are, the monitoring software also informs you of their current vehicle speeds. It has a speed alert feature that automatically notifies you when a driver speeds up. You can then contact your driver immediately to slow down and prevent any chances of road mishaps.

Moreover, if an employee’s vehicle stands still, you can contact the driver to learn why they are not moving. If the driver informs you that they got into an accident, you can immediately dispatch a person or a team to help the employee. This will further improve driver safety since staying on the road during an accident for a long time is dangerous.

Here are some tips on how to prevent aggressive driving and reckless driving.

Also, learn these road safety tips that driving schools do not teach.

#4 Help Avoid Customer Disputes

Another benefit of the GPS vehicle tracking system is that it can help avoid customer disputes as you will have the delivery details. For example, you will know the exact time a driver arrived at a location and how long they stayed at the site.

So, if a customer complains about late delivery or appointment, you will have data to know the truth.

#5 A GPS Tracking App Helps Make Informed Decisions

GPS tracking device collects detailed information about your fleet’s activity. With this tracking data, you’ll be able to assess your drivers more accurately. You’ll know if your fuel efficiency techniques are working and better comprehend how often your vehicles need maintenance.

Reviewing the data collected with a GPS tracking device for cars can identify bottlenecks that slow your drivers down. In the future, you’ll know to avoid these areas when planning routes so your drivers can visit your customers without using as much time or gas.

Overall, you’ll be able to make more informed decisions about using your business’s resources.